Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekly Rant

A few side notes on football, baseball, basketball, college sports, and the Olympics.

NFL: Last week the Raiders signed Sebastian Janikowski to the largest contract for a kicker in NFL history. This is a year after they signed Shane Lechler to the largest contract for a punter in NFL history. That's great news for those two guys, but are these the best decision for a team with the #31-ranked offense and a defense near the bottom? In a quarterback league they have THE worst starting quarterback in the NFL and they are throwing their money to their kickers. This does NOTHING to improve the team! This is further evidence that Al Davis is the worst owner in professional sports.

Baseball: Johnny Damon signed a contract with the Detroit Tigers. Some quotes: "This is where I wanted to be. The Tigers were my first choice." "[Detroit] is where my family wanted to be." I wanted a place where I could win right away."
Let's rewind a few years. Johnny Damon was one of the most popular players in baseball and the most beloved Red Sox. He looked like Jesus. Right after they win the World Series he signs with the hated rival Yankees, becoming the most hated man in Boston (and the offers were like $12M and $11M, not worth the blow to his image). Right after the Yankees win the World Series his agent demands a raise that alienates him to that franchise. He's leaving a team that just won the World Series to play on a team that hasn't won a championship in 26 years and most recently missed the playoffs. And as to Detroit being his family's top choice, don't they realize Detroit is the deadest big city in the US?
I think he's full of crap.

NBA: Cleveland Cavaliers were the top team in the NBA and LeBron is the clear-cut league MVP. He has shown that every time he drives to the basket he can either make it, draw the foul, or both. He's unstoppable, a monster. So why does he keep taking long jump shots, especially in the 4th quarter? James has attempted the 5th-most 3-point shots in the whole NBA this season. He's #86 in percentage, less than 35% made. In their overtime loss to the Nuggets last week, he took 11 deep jump shots (mostly in 4th quarter and OT) and made 2. Take less shots and they win the game. In their next two games he took 12 3-pt shots and made 3. In the loss to the Magic, 3 of his 4 shots in the final period were around the 3-pt line.
I really like LeBron James, he's one of the most exciting players in all of sports, and I want to see him win a championship, but until he stops taking so many dumb shots and drives to the hoop more I don't think it will happen.

NCAA: Right now in college basketball there are more teams from the Mountain West Conference represented in the AP Top 25 than the PAC-10 and ACC combined. Only Duke appears from these "power conferences" in the rankings. Back up a few months, and in the recent college football season there were three MWC teams represented in the final Top 25, as many as the Big 12 and Big East, and more than the PAC-10. Mountain West is an all-around strong conference that deserves the same funding, opportunities, and respect as the so-called "power conferences."

Olympics: Russian skater Evgeny Plushenko is the worst sore loser I've ever seen (honorable mention to rapper Chris Brown). After coming in 2nd behind American Evan Lysacek, he immediately removed his silver medal upon leaving the podium. Some quote: "I was positive that I won. But I suppose Evan needs a medal more than I do." "If the Olympic champion doesn't know how to jump a quad, now it's not men's figure skating, now it's dancing." "I think we need to change the judging system because quad is quad." "Without the quad men's skating is women's skating."
Let's get something straight, this is not the competition to see who can do the best quadruple spin jump, this is a competition to see who can do the best 5 minute skating routine. There are lots of different elements. The new scoring system, put in place after the Salt Lake City judging scandal of 2002, does not reward a quad sufficiently to offset the deduction given if a skater doesn't land it well. I watched the competition and Lysacek's skate was amaaaazing, way better start-to-finish that Plushenko's. Sure, the Russian did a great quad. What about the other four a half minutes? Lysacek was better. Period.

One more thing: Who's butt got kissed in order for ice dancing to become an olympic sport?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Johnny Damon is one of those guys I just find impossible to like. He's lying through his teeth when he says he wanted to be in Detroit five years ago. His selfish ass wanted to be in New York so he could stick it to Boston.

    I love that Damon quote. "I wanted a place where I could win right away."

    Detroit isn't going to the playoffs next year. I don't know what he is talking about when he says that. If he wanted to truly be in a place where he could win right away, he would have stayed in New York.

    You know what's funny is that his reason for hedging on New York was because they wouldn't offer him a two-year $22-million contract. Instead, they offered him a two-year $14 million deal. He rejects it, then signs a one-year $8 million deal with Detroit. So not only does he not get his two-year contract that he was demanding, but he gets only $1 million more this year than he would have had with the Yankees.

    Total loser. Hope he hits .220.

